6 Reasons why Innisfree No Sebum Mineral Pact failed to wow me

Innisfree No Sebum Mineral Pact has received such fabulous online reviews that I had to buy it just before boarding a plane at Singapore Changi Airport. It was priced at a good discount and I normally couldn’t resist when I see a value buy!

Can this mineral pact absorb excess sebum? Do you have to reapply this often throughout the day? Let’s find out! 

> ALSO SEE: What DFS Items to buy at Singapore Changi Airport?

Innisfree No-Sebum Mineral Pact
Innisfree No Sebum Mineral Pact

My Oil-Meter: Then & Now 

In my teens and 20s, I could easily soak up more than two pieces of sebum paper per session and probably used more than six pieces daily. Those were the days! LOL.

Right now (middle age), my face would still appear greasy especially during the afternoon, but I reckon one piece of sebum paper would be sufficient. As it doesn’t bother me anymore, I’ve already weened myself out of using oil blotters.

Psst, my favorite sebum paper was the blue or black film from Gatsby. I’d used it for many years. Apparently, it’s still on sale and comes in exactly the same packaging as it did decades ago. Oh wow!


About Innisfree No Sebum Mineral Pact

As its name suggests, Innisfree No Sebum Mineral Pact is a powder that you apply at the end of your makeup routine to help control sebum. The official website said it’s able to replace oil control paper and leaves the skin soft and matt.

The pastel green plastic case comes with 8.5g of powder which is on the lower end of the industry average, but still an acceptable volume.

Jump to the next few sections where I’ll list down its goods and bads and you can then decide if Innisfree No Sebum Mineral Pact is suitable for you.


What’s Good about Innisfree No Sebum Mineral Pact? 

1. It’s Cheap!

Innisfree No Sebum Mineral Pact is selling for S$17 on its official website and slightly cheaper online as at the time of writing. I got mine at a good discount from Singapore Changi Airport, at around S$12. This is so affordable as I would normally expect to pay more than S$20 for mass-market pressed powder.

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2. Covers Shine and Fades Pores

On first application of the day, the powder went on smoothly to cover any shine resulting from natural sebum or makeup. Pores also appeared less obvious with the finely-milled powder sinking into the gaps.

Innisfree No Sebum Mineral Pact
Before-After applying Innisfree No Sebum Mineral Pact

3. Light and Portable

The case is small and light. It’s definitely a convenient powder to bring along when you travel.

Innisfree No Sebum Mineral Pact
Compact pressed powder

4. Comes with Smooth and Fluffy Sponge

The sponge that came along with Innisfree No Sebum Mineral Pact was so soft and fluffy. It helps the powder glide on smoothly and ensures an even and effortless application. 

Innisfree No-Sebum Mineral Pact
Soft and fluffy sponge


What’s Bad? 

1. Didn’t control Sebum

With exceptionally good online reviews, I was deeply underwhelmed on its sebum-control ability. Coming from someone who just entered her 40s and doesn’t have too much oil to secrete, I’m surprised that my face appeared oily after a few hours of application.

With Innisfree No Sebum Mineral Pact, I often have to touch-up about three times daily. “How often would I have to touch up if I was in my teens?”, I’d wondered. 

2. Patchy & Cakey from Subsequent Application

This product requires frequent touch-up to cover shine. The bad thing was how my face appeared patchy with white residue on subsequent applications. I didn’t like the finish at all which was a great contrast from its first application of the day. The powder looked like it was sitting on top of the face instead of blending in with the skin.

3. Flat & Dull-Looking

Unlike some other great powders that I’ve reviewed, Innisfree No Sebum Mineral Pact left behind an overly-matt finish. There was no dewiness or healthy glow as seen in other products, such as:

> MUST-READ: Review | Hide your pores with Innisfree Mineral Ultrafine Pact

Although I didn’t like it, I think this is subjective as someone who’s into matt look may love it. Have you tried this mineral pact? Did you like it?

4. Subtle White-Cast 

Innisfree No Sebum Mineral Pact leaves behind a subtle white veil which I didn’t mind as I am quite fair. But I’m not sure how it would appear on someone with darker skin tone.

The white cast worsens with every reapplication, slowly converting into white patchy residue. 

Innisfree No Sebum Mineral Pact
White powder leaves behind a subtle white cast

5. Oh…So little!

Most pressed powder comes with at least 10g of product. For example, Innisfree’s Mineral Ultrafine Pact has 11g.  But you’ll only get 8.5g out of Innisfree No Sebum Mineral Pact. That’s 20% less! But it’s probably fine since it’s considerably cheaper.

6. Drying

I do recall this powder drying up my face, or at least made it appear patchy. I thought my fine lines and nasolabial lines were more pronounced too. 

While this doesn’t work for me, it may be fine for those with oilier skin. If you have oily skin and have used this powder before, do share with us if it’d worked for you.



Here’s the list of ingredient for those who are into the science behind beauty products. I’m surprised to see cornstarch powder in it. I’ve checked and apparently, it’s a good ingredient as compared to talc. Overall, I didn’t find anything that’s considered bad for the skin (but I’m not a science expert, okay?)



Recommended For…

I don’t think Innisfree No Sebum Mineral Pact achieves what it promises. So I’m not exactly sure if I would recommend this to anyone. But since the online reviews have been so positive, I’m wondering if it would work better for someone who resides in a place that’s less hot and humid.

For those who have already tried it and are staying in places with dry and cool climate, I would love to hear your experience in using Innisfree No-Sebum Mineral Pact. Rating: 3/5 (wanted to give it a 2.5, but reckon a 3 is fairer to those with normal-oily skin)

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