
Innisfree Nail Top Coat

Here’s why I won’t be repurchasing Innisfree Nail Top Coat

Hey there, here’s a quick review of Innisfree Nail Top Coat. If you have been wanting to get one, hold your horses and read through this review. Because I’m going to show you 5 reasons why I won’t be buying this again.     5 Reasons why I won’t buy Innisfree Nail Top Coat again 1. Not Much Glossier Based on […]

Fitbit Cyber monday deals

Did you snag a great deal this festive season? Check out what I bought!

Hey Peeps,  How have you been? I’ve been really busy lately, working on something extremely important. I was shopping diligently everyday and “working overtime” a few days before Black Friday all the way till Cyber Monday (and Tuesday in Singapore GMT: +8). :) In fact, I was up till 5am on Cyber Monday trying to finalize my USA orders :)

Innisfree Nail Polish Color 23 & 3258

Review of Innisfree Nail Polish – Quick-drying but has one major flaw

What do you use to beautify your nails when you are short of time? I find myself constantly reaching out for Innisfree Nail Polish.  In fact, I’ve since repurchased over 30 Innisfree Real Color Nail since this post was first published in 2015. As such, I thought it’s timely that I update this review and share with you my renewed

The Ordinary Marula Oil

Review of Ordinary Marula Oil: Great for Hair, Average on face

Thanks to my sis and her overseas haul, I got hold of The Ordinary Marula Oil. This antioxidant-rich oil is described simply as a “daily support formula for hair and skin”. Are you having dry and damaged hair? If yes, read on as The Ordinary 100% Cold-Pressed Virgin Marula Oil may help restore your crowning glory.   Tell Me More

Project B Collagen Powder

15 Great Skincare, Makeup and Supplements emptied in 2019 | Product Empties (Vol. 3)

Another half a year has gone by since I last shared my Product Empties. Make a guess how many products I’ve managed to empty in the first half of 2019. It’s 15 full-sized products. Whoa! That’s a lot by my standard. I’m so proud of myself! Heh! I’d deliberately forced myself to finish a beauty product before moving on to

Kimage Tiong Bahru Digital Perm - 2 months

REVIEW: Digital Perm at Kimage Tiong Bahru (Part 2)

You’ve read about how I was acutely bored with my decade-long unchanged hairstyle that I allowed a random hairstylist from a random hair salon to snip off my hair. You can read more about my hair transformation (Part 1). Today’s post is a formal review of services received at Kimage Tiong Bahru.  I’ll reveal my friends’ reactions to my new

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