
Ohori River Fukuoka

Fukuoka Itinerary: What we did in Fukuoka for 3 days (Part 5 – Kyushu Travel)

How did we spend 3 days in Fukuoka? Today, we’ll share our Fukuoko itinerary, which forms the final leg of our 14-day trip on Kyushu island. You’ll see us drive from Kitakyushu city towards Fukuoka, making a complete loop back to the place we begun our travel two weeks ago. We would do lots of shopping, with a light touch […]

Things to do in Kitakyushu

What to do in and around Kitakyushu City? (Part 4 of Kyushu Trip)

This is Part 4 of our 2-week Kyushu trip. We would be travelling from Beppu to Kitakyushu, bringing us nearer to the starting point of the loop tour – at Fukuoka. To recap, we’d landed at Fukuoka airport 8 days ago, and started our drive towards Nagasaki and further inland to Kumamoto, Yufuin and Beppu.  Part 1: Arriving in Fukuoka

Umi Jigoku

One loop from Fukuoka: What we did in Yufuin & Beppu (Part 3 of Kyushu Itinerary)

We are at Part 3 of our 2-week Kyushu trip and would continue the itinerary from Day 7. You’ll see us explore the quaint onsen town of Yufuin, climb Mount Kuju (one of 100 famous mountains in Japan) and visit Beppu, a city known for its numerous hot spring pools.  For a better story flow, do check what we did

Gunkanjima Island (Hashima Island)

Things to do around Fukuoka in 14 days: Nagasaki for the first leg! (Part 1)

Hi all, we recently spent 14 days in Japan, starting our road-trip from Fukuoka and making a loop through Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Beppu and more towns and cities in northern Kyushu. Let me share the attractions and things to do around Fukuoka.  Did you know? Kyushu is the third largest island in Japan. This island is known for ramen, active volcanoes,

What to buy in Japan

25 Things to Buy in Japan that are Affordable & Loved by Locals (2025)

What do we buy in Japan? Today, I’m going to share 25 things to buy in Japan that appeal to both locals and tourists alike. Yes, we are going to skip the touristy souvenirs – those that are so steeply marked-up that locals would shun. So, come take a look and check out the practical and functional stuff that I

Shibuya Station

Tokyo Bound: From Hakone to a happening night in Shibuya! (Day 6 in Japan)

In today’s post, watch me as I travel from Hakone to Tokyo via a local train and spend my first night in the very vibrant and happening Shibuya. This will form the final leg of my Tokyo 9-day trip in which I’ll spend the next three nights exploring the most popular and populous part of Tokyo.  For a chronological story

Open Air Museum

Hakone Day 3: Must-visit outdoor museum and a lunch I won’t forget! (Day 5 in Japan)

How many days should you spend in Hakone? I would say at least 3 days. Check out what I did on my third and final day in Hakone. Blessed with a perfect weather, you’ll see me immersing in nature and greeneries. We are talking about charming gardens, beautiful open-air museum and an unique lunch.  If you can recall, I’d completed

Hakone Cruise

9 things to do in Hakone Loop Tour (My first day in Hakone) – Day 4 in Japan

You’ve read how I travelled from Tokyo to Hakone in the morning. Now, let me embark on the tourist-friendly Hakone Loop Tour and share 9 things to do in Hakone. Specifically, I would be covering Hakone attractions in an anti-clockwise direction on my first day there. You’ll also see why more than one day is recommended to fully enjoy this

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