Day 4 – VI Precision Peel | Extreme dryness

This is an account of Day 4 of VI Precision Peel. Start with Day 1 story if you’ve missed it.

I kept waking up to find myself subconsciously scratching my face. While semi-awake, I told myself to stop doing that. But I would doze off and by the time I woke up again, I would find myself scratching my face…again. This cycle repeated itself a couple of times during my sleep. Luckily, I didn’t manage to scratch off anything.

  Itch Level = 3/5

What was odd was that the itch always stopped once I’d fully woken up.

Morning of Day 4 (VI Precision Peel)

There was extreme dryness all over my face, from corner of my eyes to my lips. I felt that my facial movement was restricted. Like as if the shiny layer of the skin was holding everything together – think of yourself with a dried mud mask on.

For instance, I could open my mouth only up to this much:

Day 4 - Lip Crack (VI Precision Peel)
Day 4 – Lip Cracks (VI Precision Peel)

See the cracks at the corner of my mouth?  Yes, that’s one of the things to expect with a medium peel. It was a challenge eating something too big a piece. I’d to eat like a dainty missy, cutting food to tiny pieces.

Other than looking shinier than the day before, the level of peeling was quite similar, i.e. mostly around the mouth and nose. I couldn’t face the public still because my face looked patchy – some parts looked shiny (yet to peel), some looked matt (peeled already), while others looked flaky. 

Did you see the dead skin hanging off my chin? Find the red arrow!

Day 4 - Morning (VI Precision Peel)
Day 4 – Morning (VI Precision Peel)
Day 4 - Morning (VI Precision Peel)
Day 4 – Morning (VI Precision Peel)


Night of Day 4  (VI Precision Peel)

After a shower, the peel had extended to other areas such as the cheeks and forehead.

Day 4 - Night (VI Precision Peel)
Day 4 – Night (VI Precision Peel)
Day 4 - Night (VI Precision Peel)
Day 4 – Night (VI Precision Peel)

This was probably my ugliest moment during the 7-day downtime associated with the VI Precision peel. Let’s see if Day 5 can beat this…stay tuned! 

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