[Overall Review] VI Precision Peel – Results are out

Finally, I’m going to give an overall review of VI Precision Peel. Today is Day 15 for me, and I thought it’s timely to share with you the before-after improvement of VI Precision Peel.

Have the pores become smaller?

Did my face get a quick collagen boost? 

And how about the fine lines? Less visible now?


How long did it take to Peel: VI Precision Peel

Before I go into the results, here’s a quick guide on the estimated time taken for different body areas to peel.

1. The Face

The face completed its peel on Day 7.

Day 7 (VI Precision Peel)
Day 7 (VI Precision Peel)

2. The Neck 

The neck peeled from Day 5 onwards, and recovered only on Day 10.

Neck Peeling and Seepage (VI Precision Peel)
Neck Peeling and Seepage (VI Precision Peel)

To reiterate what was mentioned in my earlier post, they did not apply VI Precision Peel to my neck. My neck peeling was due to ‘seepage’. If the acid was applied directly to your neck, your downtime may be longer than mine.

3. The Chest

As I have some sun spots on my chest, the acid was applied on a tiny area measuring only 1″ by 1″.  It only started peeling on Day 7 and got super sore and itchy the next few days. By Day 10, the sore area had grown six-fold to about 6” x  6” due to seepage. The itch was quite unbearable. 

Itch Level: 4/5

The upper chest fully recovered on Day 13.

Chest peels (VI Precision Peel)
Chest peels (VI Precision Peel)


So, when can I start exercising?

Some online resources indicated that one can start exercising after ‘a few days’. Unfortunately, that is not quite true based on my experience with VI peel.

In my previous peeling experience, I’d tried exercising on Day 7, i.e. after the face had completed the peeling. After the jog, my neck which had yet to recover fully was irritated by the salty perspiration and became red and itchy. 

So when can you start exercising? You can only do so when the peel has completed fully, and we are talking about all body parts – face, neck, chest etc. That’s approximately 2 weeks of downtime. 

But of course, if the type of exercise you are working on does not make you perspire (e.g. pilate, yoga, walking, shopping…ophhs), then feel free to do so anytime.


VI Precision Peel – The Final Results 

Here’s a recap of the peeling and recovery process. 

Day 1 to 3 (VI Precision Peel)

Day 4 to 8 (VI Precision Peel)

By Day 8, the reborn skin felt baby-smooth and firmer. The skin was so new it almost had a waxy feel to it. Pores were also much cleaner, and the pimples had cleared up quite a bit.

Now, let’s look at Day 15’s photo. It may take a little longer for my skin tone to go back to its original lighter tone. But you can probably tell that the skin tone is now more even. My pores are also much tighter.


VI PEEL: Before-After Comparison

Before & After (Day 15) - VI Precision Peel
Before & After (Day 15)

Zooming in to show you the tightened pores.

Pores are tighter (VI Precision Peel)
Pores are tighter

Here’s another perspective – frontal view

Day 1 to 3 (VI Precision Peel)

Day 4 to 8 (VI Precision Peel)

Similarly, the skin tone was much more even by Day 8. 

Before & After

By Day 15, the skin looks firmer. 

Before - After (Day 15) - VI Precision Peel
Before – After (Day 15)

 When I smile, the fine lines under my eyes were also less visible.

Firmer and more taut (VI Precision Peel)
Firmer and more taut


In a nutshell, the results are: 

Overall Results (VI Precision Peel)
Overall Results (VI Precision Peel)

There’s a question mark for ‘fading of sun spots’. First of all, I do not have many sun spots to test the before-after.  For the few spots that I have, I’d noticed some fading during my first VI Precision Peel. However, for this 2nd precision peel, I didn’t notice any significant fading. I wonder why. Overall Rating: 4.5/5


Maintenance Required for VI Precision Peel

As the skin continues to age and dead cells continue to build up, there is a need to do this peel on a regular basis. It is recommended that VI Peel be done 3 to 4 times yearly, for maintenance. Of course, if you want to target certain imperfections such as scars or pores issues, your doctor may recommend this to be done monthly.

That’s all for the VI Precision Peel series. I hope you have found this useful. This peel is less expensive in US than in Singapore, where I reside.  It costs about SGD500 (USD400) to get a VI Peel in Singapore. If this price can come down further, this would definitely be my holy grail peel. 

Have you tried VI Peel or similar peels?  Share with us if the peel has given you the results you were looking for. 

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