Shiseido AquaLabel White Up Lotion S | Good Basic Toner

What makes a good toner? To me, a good toner is one that removes excess impurities, tightens the pores while softening the skin at the same time. If you are looking for a toner that does the above, Shiseido AquaLabel White Up Lotion S fits the bill.

Shiseido AquaLabel White Up Lotion comes in different version – S (Light) and R (Moisturizing).

Shiseido Aqua Label White up Lotion S
Shiseido Aqua Label White-up Lotion S

The one labeled with ‘S’ is meant for those with normal to combination skin and is the one I’m reviewing today. It is advertised as a toner that lightens dark spots, whitens and gives dull skin a dewy suppleness and long-lasting radiance.

The active, m-Tranexamic Acid is also said to inhibit melanin production.

How well does it live up to its claims? We’ll soon find out.


What’s Good about Shiseido AquaLabel White Up Lotion S?

1. Not Drying

I tend to avoid toners that are drying. If you can see from the photo below, the bottle is close to being empty. This goes to show how much I’ve enjoyed using Shiseido AquaLabel White Up Lotion.

Shiseido Aqua Label White up Lotion S
Almost empty

Shiseido AquaLabel White Up Lotion contains hyaluronic acid and does well in balancing the moisture level of the skin without stripping it of its essential moisture.  

2. Comfortable Application

The clear liquid with water-thin consistency feels great on the face. It absorbs well, leaving the skin supple without any form of stickiness. Among the four toners that I have with me right now, this is the one I’ll naturally reach for 80% of the time.

Shiseido Aqua Label White up Lotion S
It’s watery

3. Refreshing Scent

Shiseido AquaLabel White Up Lotion has a nice scent which is described as a rose-mist fragrance. I think it smells so much better than a typical rose scent. I’m not good in describing smell, but let’s just say that it’s ultra-refreshing.

4. No Additional Dark Spots

Shiseido AquaLabel White Up Lotion is said to inhibit melanin production. From the time I started using this toner, I did not develop additional dark spots.

While Shiseido Aqua Label White Up Lotion might have played a role in preventing pigmentation, it’ll be naive to link this outcome solely to the use of the lotion. Applying sunscreen religiously and keeping a sun-avoidance lifestyle may have helped too. 


What’s Bad?

1. No Visible Fading of Dark Spots
As with most toners, it is hard to see a significant improvement in before-after application. Toner normally requires an extensive period of application to see results (if any).

What I can conclude in confidence is that I did not see any visible fading of dark spots. Though my skin has brightened up a lot during the past few months, I am less eager to attribute the change solely to this toner as it may also be the combination result of my use of Vitamin C serum and regular at-home peels.



If you are looking for a basic toner that smells great, is non-drying and preps the skin for subsequent step of the skincare regimen, Shiseido Aqualabel White-up Lotion is a decent basic option. Rating: 4/5.

However, if you want something that lightens your pigmentation, then this doesn’t quite do the job. In fact, I don’t think many toners in the market do. It may be better investing your money in a good vitamin C serum.



1. The Price

Shiseido Aqua Label White-up Lotion comes in a 200ml bottle and retails for S$26.90 in Singapore.

I can’t remember how much it sells for in Japan. A very good deduction (based on other Aqua Label products I bought in Japan) suggests that it may be retailing for about 1200 yen (SGD13.30 or USD10). So this makes it one of the must-buys if you ever visit Japan.

2. Grab it at the Airport

There aren’t a lot of drug-store brands available at the Japan airport. Luckily, AquaLabel is one of those that’s found at the duty-free shops. If you are keen in buying any of the Aqua Label products, do consider getting them at the airport so as to avoid paying the 8% GST.

3. Good as a Gift

The last time I visited Japan, I saw Aqua Label being sold in attractive bundles, with each package containing about 3 to 4 items. Being affordable and presentable, I think it works well as a gift for close friends and family. There were many tourists crowding around the packages, men included.  

Would you like it if you were to receive this as gift? I know I would.


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