Why Stimmung Lip Tint deserves a 5-star rating!

Heard of Stimmung Lip Tint? I’ve had this for so long and didn’t realise how good it was until almost a year later.

If you are looking for a lip gloss that looks and feels great on lips, check out this review as I’m going to share the goods and bads of Stimmung Lip Tint (Black Rose Collection).

Stimmung Lip Tint Black Rose Collection


More about Stimmung

Stimmung is a brand that originates in Korea. I got to know about this brand when I attended a media launch last year by Virvici. The company was so generous with the press kit and threw in lots of beauty products, including Stimmung Lip Tints.

Virvici Korean Makeup
Stimmung Black Rose Collection in top half of photo

I wasn’t eager to try the lip tints as I’d assumed that liquid lipstick would stain easily, now that mask-wearing is mandatory.

But, in recent days, I’ve had the need to attend more formal zoom meetings and started trying more prominent lip colours – they look better on camera! Wearing lip gloss at home also meant I did not have to worry about the colours staining my mask. So, this got me started with Stimmung Lip Tints.  

Stimmung Black Rose Collection

For info, the two lip tints I’m reviewing today come under Black Rose Collection and the colours are MLBB 3 and MLBB 4. This limited collection also comes with two blushers (colour Pink 1 and Coral 1) which I’ve yet to try but should be doing so soon. :)

Another piece of info – Stimmung carries other range of lip products to cater to different needs, such as Velvet Lipstick, Matte Lipstick and Gloss Lipstick.

Alright, now that we know a little bit more about Stimmung, let’s zoom into the review of Stimmung Black Rose Collection Lip Tint.


What’s Great about Stimmung Lip Tint (Black Rose Collection)? 

1. Unique Packaging 

The first thing that struck me was how unusual the packaging was for a lip product. In a flat pouch, I couldn’t say that I knew instantly what it was when I first received Stimmung Lip Tint. 

Stimmung Lip Tint Black Rose Collection

That probably explained why I took so long to try it. But once I started using it, I found out how functional the lip tint was. Just twist the lid and pull out the attached lip applicator, and you can start applying the colours.

The colours glide on smoothly over the lips, and a single swipe was enough to get the colours evenly coated.

Stimmung Lip Tint Applicator
The sturdy applicator is part of the twistable lid

2. Love the scent

I’m hardly a fan of fruity scent, but Stimmung Lip Tint smells so good it makes applying lipstick an enjoyable process. 

3. The Colours Worked! 

The two colours worked well on my cool and fair Asian skin tone. They give enough colours but yet remain natural-looking. The earth-tone with a tinge of brown-in-red makes the Black Rose Collection Lip Tints very wearable.  

Stimmung Lip Tint Swatch
From bottom to top: MLBB 3 & MLBB 4

Swatch of MLBB 3

MLBB 3 has a lighter shade which I like for a more casual outing. There is just enough colour and the gloss makes your lips shine – you’ll look good on camera. However, those with darker skin tone may look washed-out in this softer colour.

Here’s the swatch – pardon my dry upper lips.

Stimmung Lip Tint Swatch MLBB 3
Wearing MLBB 3
Stimmung Lip Tint Swatch MLBB 3
Wearing Stimmung Lip Tint MLBB 3

Swatch of MLBB 4

And here’s the swatch of MLBB 4 which has a much stronger shade. It’s my preferred colour when I attend zoom meetings. Thought I look more polished with that. Is that a sign of maturing? LOL!

Stimmung Lip Tint Swatch MLBB 4
Wearing MLBB 4
Stimmung Lip Tint Swatch MLBB 4
Wearing Stimmung Lip Tint – MLBB 4


4. Moisturising & Comfortable

Glossy lipstick tends to be moisturising. The same goes with Stimmung Black Rose Collection Lip Tint.

I love how comfortable and moisturising the lips feel. In fact, I thought my lips stayed well-nourished throughout the day.  

5. Did not stain mask easily

Surprise, surprise! Stimmung lip gloss didn’t actually stain my mask more easily than other lip products that I own. See! I have minimal stain on my mask. 

As such, I’m now using it more often – not just for zoom meeting. :)

Stimmung Lip Tint
Minimal stain on mask (Colour: MLBB 3)

6. The Price: Is it worth it? 

Each Stimmung pouch comes with 3ml of product and cost around S$8. That seemed like a tiny quantity on paper, but, let’s compare it with full-sized lip gloss from other Korean brands.

Both Innisfree Fruity Squeeze Tint (S$17) and Etude Moisture Lip Glow (S$12.90) comes with 4ml of product – not a lot more but at significantly higher price. So Stimmung isn’t really expensive. :)

However, I do want to point out that non-Korean lip gloss can come with higher quantity, such as Dior Lip Maximizer (6ml – S$52) and Fenty Lip Luminizer (9ml – S$33). On a per unit basis, they may not be cheaper than Stimmung though.

In Singapore, you can find out the prices of Stimmung Lip Tint here:


What’s not great? 

1. The Packaging

You may take a while to get used to a lipstick or lip gloss that’s packaged in a flat pouch. Also, it may not be the kind of packaging that will exude a luxurious or elegant feel. 

So, if you want something to impress yourself or others, this pouch lipstick may not do the job.  

2. Misleading Name?

It’s Stimmung Lip Tint, but it doesn’t really “tint” much. I’m perfectly fine with it as some tinted lip products I’ve used caused irritation to my sensitive lips, e.g. Cezanne Lip Color. 

Furthermore, I had happily used it because I didn’t know its official name until I had to write this review. However, if you are specifically looking for a lip product that tints, then you will have to manage your expectation. 

Just for info, here’s the tint left behind after I wiped the product off my arm. Only MLBB 4 leaves a visible, albeit faint tint (top). MLBB 3 didn’t leave any mark at all (you probably can’t see it –  bottom). 

Stimmung Lip Tint
Only MLBB 4 (top) left a faint stain



Recommendations: Should you buy Stimmung Lip Tint?

Well, it’s a yes for me. My love for such a unique packaging is growing and I love the smaller quantity of Stimmung products. This means that I can switch/clear products quickly or get a fresh one when the old one is depleted.

Furthermore, the colour works for me and the scent is great! What’s even more important is how comfortable and moisturising Stimmung Lip Tint feels on my sensitive lips. I would definitely be looking out for more of Stimmung’s cosmetics. Rating: 5/5


To find out the latest price, click HERE. 


That’s all I have for you today and I hope you have found this review useful. If you like to get notified of my new posts, just click the button below to subscribe. I’ll even give you some free and exclusive stuff. See you there!


Press samples were offered with no obligation to write a review. 


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