Eastern Taiwan

Hualien Dongdamen Night Market

Hualien Dongdamen Night Market on a rainy day! (Eastern Taiwan Day 1 – pt 3)

Finally, after a 12-hour journey travelling from Singapore to Hualien and successfully gotten hold of our own private transport (scooter), it was time for our first proper meal in Hualien. There was no question about it – we would visit one of the most popular eating places in Hualien. Yes, that’s right, it’s none other than Hualien Dongdamen Night Market which would offer lots of […]

Rent a Scooter in Hualien

How to rent a scooter in Hualien? (Eastern Taiwan Day 1 – pt 2)

If you like to find out how to rent a scooter in Hualien and enjoy the best-tasting Scallion Pancake (蔥油餅) in town, read on as I’ll spill all the tips and info. This post is part 2 of Day 1 Travelogue. So, if you haven’t read Part 1 on how we got from Taipei to Hualien, check them out first for

Taipei to Hualien

Eastern Taiwan 8-Day Tour: How to get from Taipei to Hualien! (Day 1 – pt 1)

Hello, everyone. This is the beginning of a new travelogue. I’ll be covering my 8 days trip to Eastern Taiwan and featuring attractions in Hualien, Luodong, Yilan, Shifen and more. As usual, my writing style is to share in-depth information, tips and logistics details to help those who intend to travel to Taiwan on free and easy. Ok, before I get

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