Singapore Beauty Blogger

MUAC BellEvolve Beautifeye Lifting Serum

MUAC BellEvolve Beautifeye Lifting Serum Surprised Me with Before-After Photos

For the past one year, there’s one eye product that I would reach out for most of the time, and it’s MUAC BellEvolve Beautifeye Lifting Serum. In fact, I’ve been using it daily for the past few months and love how cooling and soothing it feels on my delicate eye areas. There are more things that I like about MUAC […]

Kimage Tiong Bahru Digital Perm - 2 months

REVIEW: Digital Perm at Kimage Tiong Bahru (Part 2)

You’ve read about how I was acutely bored with my decade-long unchanged hairstyle that I allowed a random hairstylist from a random hair salon to snip off my hair. You can read more about my hair transformation (Part 1). Today’s post is a formal review of services received at Kimage Tiong Bahru.  I’ll reveal my friends’ reactions to my new

Dear Readers, enhancements are on the way!

Dear mBC’s Readers,  Thank you for following myBeautyCravings and checking out our 100% honest reviews and free-and-easy travelogues all these while. I’m pleased to inform all that I’ll be enhancing myBeautyCravings website over the next few weeks (or months?) to bring to you a better reading experience and a faster-loading website.   These enhancements may include: a change in website

Forehead wrinkles

Review of Xeomin Botox Treatment at Dr Yvonne Goh Aesthetics

Are you in your 30s or 40s and are starting to get those bothersome forehead wrinkles that make you look older and angrier than you really are? I’ve just visited another aesthetic clinic – Dr Yvonne Goh Aesthetics and will be sharing my first impression and honest review of the clinic as well as the Xeomin Botox treatment I’ve received. Those who

Day 7 - VI Precison Peel

VI Precision Peel | Unexpected pain & long recovery

A painful and long recovery to VI Precision Peel was something out of my expectation as the previous few sessions were close to being painless. To share with everyone how a similar procedure could result in an entirely different recovery, I’ve decided to document my experience here. Watch out for the unsightly photos that had me hidden behind closed doors


Common Sales Tricks Beauty Spas use on you (Plus New York Skin Solutions Review)

Hey beauties, have you ever gone for a complimentary beauty facial session in Singapore? If you have, you would know that there’s no free lunch in the world. Such a session would typically end with a lengthy sales session where you’ll sit in a room facing a persistent sales consultant. Yes, she wants you to sign up for their beauty

Botox Under-Eye Wrinkles

Review: Erase Under-eye Wrinkles with Botox

Have you been noticing fine lines under the eyes? Those creases and wrinkles looked even more pronounced when you smile?  Now, listen. You don’t have to live with it. I’m glad to say that I’ve significantly reduced my under-eye wrinkles with just one unit of Botox. That cost me a mere $18!  In terms of aesthetics medicine, this must be

Kimage Hair Studio (Tampines)

Rebonding by Kimage Hair Studio (Tampines) | My holy grail hair salon!

Hello, babes. I’m happy to share another beauty holy grail of mine – conferred less than a week ago. Over the past many years, I’d been jumping from salon to salon trying to find one that produced consistent results. After a decade-long search, I’ve finally found my favourite hair salon – Kimage Hair Studio (Tampines). If you can recall, I’d

Before-After - can laser facial improve skin laxity?

Can Laser Facial improve laugh lines? | Review of Gangnam Laser Clinic

Have you guys read my first review of Laser Facial by Gangnam Laser Clinic? The affordable laser facial works great in controlling blemishes and giving dull face a good exfoliation. Check it out if you haven’t: Part 1: The Treatment Part 2: Pimples cleared in 7 days A few months later, I revisited Gangnam Laser Clinic with a different skin concern

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