Singapore Beauty Blogger

Waiting for my tea that never come

Review of Kimage Prestige Salon @ Plaza Singapura

Rebonding to me is like milk is to baby. I can’t live without it. Both my parents have really thick hair. I must have inherited the genes from both of them, as mine is incredibly thick…probably both of their thickness put together. Rebonding was my saviour. Before this amazing invention in the early 2000s, I was relying on a harsher […]

Day 1 – VI Precision Peel | How painless can a peel get?

It’s time for my regular VI Precision Peel again. Let me share with you a day-by-day account of the peeling experience. Hopefully, this can help you understand the timeline of events, and plan your days better. That is, if you decide to try it too.   Why VI Precision Peel? As written in my earlier post on superficial Lactic acid peel, there are

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