
Taiwan 8 Day Solo Trip

Easiest Way to get from Taipei Main Station to Taoyuan Airport (Taiwan Tour – Day 8)

How to travel from Taipei Main Station to Taoyuan Airport? Where to store your luggage? What’s the best route to get yourself to Bus Terminal and avoid steep staircases while lugging along heavy luggage? This final day of my Taipei’s 8 Days Tour will provide tips on how to get yourself to airport in the most effortless way. Check it out.   Gulping Myself Silly […]


Taipei City Tour: Songshan Cultural Park, Xiangshan, Tonghua, Raohe Night Market (Day 6)

Day 6 of my Taipei’s 8 Days Tour brought me to Xinyi District, where I would cover Songshan Cultural & Creative Park (松山文創園區), Xiangshan (象山), Tonghua Night Market (通化夜市) and Raohe Night Market (饒河夜市). The good thing about staying in a proper accommodation as compared to a cubicle (Neosoho) was 自然醒 or waking up naturally. For the first time in this trip,

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