30-Day Slim & Fit Challenge – Here are the results!

Have you been following my 30-Day Slim & Fit Challenge? I’ve successfully gone through the July challenge and am happy to share the results, struggles and future plans.

To recap, this challenge requires me to exercise everyday for at least 30 minutes for a month. I also have to make sure I don’t exceed my daily calorie and carbohydrates intake. You can read through the earlier post for a more detailed write-up of my goals. I also shared in that post how I tracked my daily performance, using tools such as Fitbit and Fitness Pal.

Without any further ado, let me share the exercises I did and the results of my 30-Day Slim & Fit Challenge. Did I slim down? :)

Measuring tape


The Exercises that I did for 30 Days

If you look at my daily exercise log, you’ll see that I do a lot of squats, sit-ups and brisk-walking/jogging. In fact, I think I also met an undeclared 30-Day SQUAT Challenge. LOL!

Sometimes, I would mix in resistance training, such as bicep curls and plank exercise.

TIP: It’s important to create a set of exercise that can be done in the comfort of your home. This would serve as a backup on days when your routine is disrupted, e.g. too late and unsafe to do outdoor exercises. 


Results of 30-Day Slim & Fit Challenge

After exercising regularly and making sure I didn’t eat too much junk food, I’ve achieved the following results:

1. Slimmer Hip, Waist & Thigh

My bottom has slimmed down a bit. I’ve shaved an entire inch off my hip, while my waist and thigh were each a quarter inch slimmer. 

Though it’s a small improvement in absolute number, this is significant enough for me in terms of the percentage reduction of my problem areas (i.e. hip and thigh). I’m quite petite in frame.

30 day challenge slimming


Slim & Fit Challenge - Hip Result

30 Day Challenge - Reduced Thigh

30 Day Slim & Fit Challenge - Waist Result


2. Firmer Abdomen and Stronger Arms

Although I like my bottom to be smaller, I wanted my top to be bulkier. After the 30-day Slim & Fit Challenge, I’ve gained a firmer upper abdomen. You can see my 6-pack abs if I breath in. LOL!

Not only that, I’ve managed to bulk up my upper arms by a few centimeters. 

30 Day Slim & Fit Challenge - Arm Result


3. How about my weight?

In case you wonder, I don’t track my weight because that’s not my concern. My concern is about toning and slimming of bottom and bulking up of top, not losing kilograms.

TIP: I don’t believe in having an exercise buddy. It’s good to have one at times, but we should never be over-reliant on exercise companions.

One of my friends kept telling me, “I didn’t get to exercise for a week because my partner was sick.” When I told her that she could brisk-walk on her own, she gave me a mission-impossible look. 


Don’t Expect Visible Results in a Month

To be honest, the effect of my fat loss was not visible when I looked into the mirror. That’s understandable as it would normally take 2 months to see results.

However, that didn’t stop me from constantly checking myself out through the mirror, hoping that my daily effort would produce quick results.  

Boy, was I disappointed. Even after the challenge ended, I didn’t notice a visibly slimmer bottom. It was only after my body measurements were taken did the results come through in black and white. Yes, I’ve slimmed down!

Moral of the Story: Be patient with the results, especially if you are slimming in a healthy and sustainable way (no starving, skipping meals and over-strenuous workout). The first month may be the time to set the base and build up muscles. Results may only become apparent from the second month onward.


What’s Next? 

During the last week of the challenge, my daily routine (diet and exercise) was affected as one of my family members was hospitalized and I found myself at the hospital daily for two weeks. 

Erm, did you know that Changi General Hospital serves very good food? So good that I wanted to go back for its Curry Chicken and Bubur Cha Cha. Yummy! :)

I persevered till the end of the 30-day challenge, working out till midnight. Once the challenge ended, I succumbed to the disruption.

That period also coincided with some celebrations and I was faced with good food all the time, making it even more difficult to resume my healthy lifestyle. 

But, these are just excuses!

Whatever the temptations might be, they were just excuses that could be overcome, if only the determination was stronger. :)

I’ve tried a couple of times to pick up where I left off, but failed. As such, I’m going to help myself by kick-starting a 2nd round of 30-day Slim & Fit Challenge.

Yep, not going to let the previous effort go to waste!

Fitbit App Exercise Screen

2nd Round of 30-Day Slim & Fit Challenge

The second-round Slim & Fit Challenge will begin from 20 Aug to 19 Sep 2019. The condition remains the same as the first challenge:

  • To exercise daily for at least 30 minutes, and 
  • To eat within the daily allowable calorie and carbohydrates
  • To consume enough nutrients, e.g. Vitamin C, Calcium and Protein (soft target)
Brisk-walking at East Coast Park
Brisk-walking at East Coast Park, Singapore

Check out my earlier post to see how I decide on my daily allowable calorie and carbohydrates and what I use to track results.

When the challenge ends, I will report further improvement in body stats, if any.

Fitbit App Screen 1
Fitbit App Screen (Home)

Similar to the last round, I will record my daily exercise log over here. I need to do this to motivate myself. :)

TIP: 30 days is a long time. I find that keeping track and recording my daily performance help keep me motivated, especially when the going gets tough. 


Live Fitness Log (Nicole From MBC)

  • 20 Aug: 90 Squats + 90 Sit-ups + Strength Trg (3 arm exercises – 36 reps each) + 9k Steps 
  • 21 Aug: 3.5km Brisk-walk + 90 Squats + 90 Push-ups + 14k Steps (incl. walk/jog)
  • 22 Aug: 90 Squats + 90 Sit-ups + Strength Trg (3 arm exercises – 36 reps each) + 10k Steps 
  • 23 Aug: 150 Squats + 150 Sit-ups + Strength Trg (3 arm exercises – 36 reps each) + 3-min Plank + 10k Steps 
  • 24 Aug (Sat): 120 Squats + 120 Sit-ups + 3-min Plank + 12k Steps 
  • 25 Aug (Sun): 90 Squats + 90 Sit-ups + 13k Steps 

Thoughts after 1 Week: As soon as I published this post, my determination returned with a vengeance. I  was able to pick up where I left off and exercise everyday, with some days stretching past midnight. 

  • 26 Aug (Unwell): 90 Squats + 90 Sit-ups + Strength Trg (4 arm exercises – 36 reps each) + 7k Steps 
  • 27 Aug: 120 Squats + 120 Sit-ups + Strength Trg (4 arm exercises – 36 reps each) + 9k Steps 
  • 28 Aug: 3.5km Jog + 90 Squats + 75 Push-ups + 12k Steps (incl. walk/jog)
  • 29 Aug: 120 Squats + 120 Sit-ups + 8k Steps
  • 30 Aug: 90 Squats + 90 Sit-ups + Strength Trg (4 arm exercises – 36 reps each) + 5k Steps
  • 31 Aug (Sat): 8k Steps
  • 1 Sep (Sun): 12k Steps

Thoughts after 2 Weeks: I’ve had a few dinner outings this week and ended up doing mostly at-home exercises till late night. That might have affected my sleep quality, and therefore I gave myself a break during weekends to claw back on my beauty sleep. :)

  • 2 Sep: 3.5km Brisk-Walk + 90 Squats + 75 Push-ups + 18k Steps (incl. walk/jog)
  • 3 Sep: 3.5km Brisk-Walk + 90 Sit-ups + 11k Steps (incl. walk/jog)
  • 4 Sep: 3.5km Brisk-Walk + 90 Squats + 100 Push-ups + 16k Steps (incl. walk/jog)
  • 5 Sep: 20-min Stair Stepper + Upper Body Strength (5 arm/shoulder exercises – 36 reps each) + Lower Body Strength (1 exercise – 36 reps) + 14k Steps (incl. walk/jog)
  • 6 Sep: 90 Squats + 90 Sit-ups + Upper Body Strength (3 arm/shoulder exercises – 36 reps each) + 7k Steps (incl. walk/jog)
  • 7 Sep (Sat): 14k Steps
  • 8 Sep (Sun): 16k Steps

Thoughts after 3 Weeks: I’ve started visiting the gym and found it conducive for strength training. Also noticed that I’ve slackened during the weekends, but I made up for it by exceeding 10k steps. :)

  • 9 Sep: 12k Steps (Unwell)
  • 10 Sep: 16k Steps (Sentosa)
  • 11 Sep: 90 Sit-ups + Upper Body Strength (3 arm/shoulder exercises – 36 reps each) + 11k Steps (incl. walk/jog)
  • 12 Sep: 3.5km  Jog + 90 Squats + 13k Steps (incl. walk/jog)
  • 13 Sep: 90 Squats + 90 Sit-ups + Upper Body Strength (3 arm/shoulder exercises – 36 reps each) + 10k Steps (incl. walk/jog)
  • 14 Sep (Sat): 13k Steps
  • 15 Sep (Sun): 15k Steps 
  • 16 Sep: 90 Squats + 90 Sit-ups + Upper Body Strength (3 arm/shoulder exercises – 36 reps each) + 10k Steps (incl. walk/jog)
  • 17 Sep: 13k Steps (Changi Coastal Walk)
  • 18 Sep: 90 Squats + 90 Sit-ups + Upper Body Strength (3 arm/shoulder exercises – 36 reps each) + 9k Steps (incl. walk/jog)
  • 19 Sep: 20-min Stair Stepper + 12-min Spinning + 15-min Elliptical Trainer + Upper Body Strength (6 arm/shoulder exercises – 36 reps each) + 12k Steps (incl. walk/jog)
  • 20 Sep: 3.5km Jog + 12k Steps (incl. walk/jog)

I look forward to the day when I can say goodbye to cellulite, especially on the thigh and hip areas. Join me in this 30 Day Slim & Fit Challenge if you like to be healthy, slim and fit. 

In the meantime, stay tuned and stay connected by subscribing and I’ll keep you posted on my results.


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30 Day Slim Fit Challenge Results


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2 thoughts on “30-Day Slim & Fit Challenge – Here are the results!”

  1. You’re crazily committed and I applaud you for this Nicole! Nice to see the results paying off as well! I’m getting so lazy now and haven’t exercised in abit – gonna restart the regime again (hopefully) next month~ Gambatte to you and me both! :D

  2. Thanks for following my slim & fit progress, Daphne. I wouldn’t have been able to stay committed, without this blog (or rather without documenting my daily workout publicly).

    Maybe you can try recording your daily efforts too. And when you slack, we will scold you. LOL!

    Yes, Gambatte. You can do it! I know you are a determined girl, seeing you “bounce” frequently. Jia you!

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