Taiwan Beauty

Things to Buy in Taiwan

Things to buy in Taiwan? And what to avoid? (Part 1)

What are the things to buy in Taiwan? Hey guys, if you are visiting Taiwan soon, take a look at this Taiwan must-buy list which I’ve gathered after a solo trip to Taiwan.  In this list, you’ll not only get to see the things to buy in Taiwan, I’ll also share which great Taiwanese food to try. As a bonus, […]

Dr Morita Hyaluronic Acid Face Mask

Review of Dr Morita Hyaluronic Acid Facial Mask | A Love-Hate relationship

Ok, I admit that I wanted so badly to love Dr Morita Hyaluronic Acid Facial Mask simply because it is a mask made in Taiwan. For those who have been following my Taiwan Travelogue, you would have known how much I love Taiwan. So, I guess there was user bias right from the beginning. But don’t worry, I try not to

L'Herboflore Hyaluronic Acid Biocellulose Mask

L’Herboflore Hyaluronic Acid Biocellulose Mask provides emergency hydration boost

Congratulations to my first year anniversary of owning the “renowned” L’Herboflore Hyaluronic Acid Biocellulose Mask. I’ve finally gotten down to using it after 365 days or thereabouts, and WOAH, I have to tell you this. This mask is amazing and it has been included in my Taiwan-Must Buy list!   What took me so long to try this Taiwan-made facial sheet

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