Review of Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Lip Protectant Stick

5 years after my first purchase, I’m still loving Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Lip Protectant Stick. I first published this post in 2017 when I bought a trio pack at Changi Airport DFS.

The tinted lip balms in shades of pink, red and nude felt like a practical addition to my luggage, protecting my lips from dry cabin air while also giving my face some healthy colours.

Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Lip Protectant Stick
Beauty haul at Changi Airport DFS (in 2017)

At $50 for a trio pack, it proved to be an excellent buy as I’d enjoyed the use of each and every tube – not just during my 2-week holiday at sunny island of El Nido, but also back home.

It took me 4 years to deplete the last of the trio in 2021. Now that we are able to travel again, I took the opportunity to repurchase during my first air travel post-Covid-19 in July 2022.

Repurchase 5 Years Later

After 5 years, this set of Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Lip Protectant Stick retails at about the same price (S$53) from Singapore Changi Airport DFS. I also got further 20% discount due to a promo (for purchasing more than three makeup items).

Packaging remains the same as you can see from the photo below. So, if you are looking for a great lip balm, check out this review (most photos here were taken in Mar 2017 unless otherwise stated).

Elizabeth Arden Lip Balm


About Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Lip Protectant Stick

The key ingredients to Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Lip Protectant Stick are Castor Oil, Lanolin Oil and Vitamin E. As we know, Vitamin E is a great anti-oxidant that can help fight off free radical damage. In layman’s term, it helps slow down the aging process. Lanolin oil, another effective ingredient, is known to absorb moisture from the air and lock it in. 

Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Lip Protectant Stick
Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Lip Protectant Stick (Trio Pack)

Here’s the full ingredient list:

Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Lip Protectant Stick
Ingredient list


What’s Great about Elizabeth Arden Lip Protectant Stick?

1. Lasting Moisture

True to her claim, Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Lip Protectant Stick is one of the best lip balms I’ve used. I’d put it on before flight takeoff and my lips would stay moisturized throughout the night despite the very drying cabin air.  There wasn’t a “chap” moment when I felt the need to reapply. So, thumbs up!

And the happy lips appeared more supple and less wrinkly. Oh yes, I vouch that this lip protectant does offer at least 8 hours of moisture.

> ALSO SEE: Things to buy in Phuket and Singapore Airport

Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Lip Protectant Stick
Wearing color “Berry”

2. Sheer and Natural Tint

As I was heading to a beach holiday in 2017, the tinted sticks proved to be very useful, as they added health colors to my face without making me looked like I was about to attend a gala dinner. The colors were soft, natural-looking and carried a tiny sheen. 

Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Lip Protectant Stick Swap
Swatch in 2017

If you ask me which color I love most, I would say “Both”. The lighter color ‘Blush’ adds a soft girly pink while the red tube “Berry” carries a subtle orangey-red tint for more obvious color.

Based on my lipstick buying experience, I normally avoid pink colour as I found myself not using them as often either because they were too light, too bright or too dull. Surprisingly, Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Lip Protectant Stick in “Blush” had the right tone of pink and worked well on my cool skin tone. 

Photos in Jun 2022

Below shows photos taken in 2022. Seems like the formula has changed as the colour of Berry seems less obvious (less reddish now). Refer to the right image below. 

Left: Blush | Right: Berry (2022)

3. Sun Protection of SPF 15

It’s great that Elizabeth Arden’s Protectant Stick comes with SPF 15 as that helped minimize sun damage during my beach holiday in El Nido. It also came in handy when I was back home in sunny Singapore. 

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Elizabeth Arden Lip Protectant Stick

4. Great Combo in Trio Pack

The three sticks in the trio set was a great combination. None felt like they were excessive. The colorless one was great during bedtime, while the other two offered color variation during a casual day outing. No regrets in getting three products at the same time.

Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Lip Protectant Stick Trio
Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Lip Protectant Stick Trio


What’s not Great about Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Protectant Stick?

1. Waxy Smell

Honestly, I do not know what smell that is or whether ‘waxy’ is the right word to describe it. Perhaps, I can coin the scent as “plastic herbal”?

Well, just take note that it’s not something you would place in the same category as “smells great”. =)

I didn’t like the smell, but could live with it as it only lingered for the first few seconds during application. I also take it that the product doesn’t contain artificial fragrance, and hence should be great for sensitive lips.

2. Easy Fading of Colors

As with most tinted lip balm, the color faded after a short while even without food intake. That doesn’t mean the color is totally gone though. Your lips would still look better than without the coloured balm.

Here’s a demo. The photo on the right shows how color faded after patting the applied area once with fingers.  

Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Lip Protectant Stick Trio
Faded colours (2017)

Updated (Jun 2022): As shared earlier, the colour of the “Berry” lip cream seems much softer in 2022 than in 2017. What do you guys think? See images below taken in 2022. They looked like the faded version above. LOL!

Elizabeth Arden Lip Balm
Swatch in 2022

3. Not Cheap

You can easily find tinted lip balm in drug stores at a fraction of this price. So Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Lip Cream Protectant Stick isn’t cheap. Still, I did find that it worked much better than mass market brands as the hydration would last for hours.

In fact, I thought it was value for money as I could use it right to the last bit. At about $50 per trio set at DFS, each piece cost about $15. Check out latest price here.


Should you get Elizabeth Arden Lip Protectant Stick? 

I had said, “Go get it!” when I first published the review in 2017. Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Lip Cream Protectant Stick was worth the price, especially if one was suffering from dry lips or expect to be exposed to dry climate (e.g. going to cold countries).

Today, I still highly recommend the lip balm, though I wish the colour “Berry” would be more obvious. I used to think the colour (in 2017) was too strong, which explains why “Berry” was the last tube that I finished. But now, it’s way too light. LOL!

Over-corrected it seems. But I would still repurchase Elizabeth Arden Lip Protectant Stick, given that it serves its purpose as a tinted balm (not lipstick). Just remember to do a smell test before buying to make sure you can take the “fragrance”, okay? =)  Rating: 5/5


To find out the latest price on Amazon, click HERE


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(This post was first published in March 2017 and last updated in Jun 2022 to include latest opinion.)

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2 thoughts on “Review of Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Lip Protectant Stick”

  1. Hello, I have aldo noticed the change in formula, not only the color is less intense, but it feels more sticky and to me uncomfortable, felt it was irritating or tingly. Upon comparing to my previous versions I noticed that in the sticker at the bottom of the stick the ingredients are different. They have now avovenzone which I believe its the culprit. So sad about this because I loved these lip balms but I had to return the new formula.

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