Hada Labo SHA Hydrating Milk | Best hyaluronic moisturizer I’ve tried, but has a flaw you need to know

Hey, babes! How have you been? Today, I’ll be sharing a review on a product that has been with me for so long it has past its expiry date by 6 months and the bottle is still half-full. That was how long it took me to complete the review of Hada Labo SHA Hydrating Milk.  Why did it take me so long to assess the product? Why couldn’t I finish the product before its expiry?

Hada Labo SHA Hydrating Milk
Hada Labo SHA Hydrating Milk

Most things have their unique strengths and weaknesses. The same goes with Hada Labo SHA Hydrating Milk. Check out what’s good and bad about this moisturizer. It’s gonna be worth your while to find out because this product is pretty amazing with the exception of one possible flaw.


What’s Good about Hada Labo SHA Hydrating Milk?

1. Super Moisturizing

What does SHA stand for? It’s short for Super Hyaluronic Acid. Most of us knows hyaluronic acid helps retain moisture and bind water to the skin.

Hyaluronic acid became popular probably about 5-6 years back (if I can recall correctly). Since then, I’ve tried quite a few products containing SHA, from mass market to premium brands. In my experience, Hada Labo is the best SHA product I’ve tried in terms of keeping skin hydrated.

As a regular user of chemical peels and laser procedures, my skin can get dry and flaky at times. So far, Hada Labo SHA Hydrating Milk took the shortest time to bring my skin back to its equilibrium. Within days, the flakiness and temporary fine lines would be gone, leaving my skin supple and “diong diong”. I’m serious!

If this hydrating milk can be this effective, I can only imagine how supple the skin would be with the cream-based richer version – Hada Labo Goku-jyun Cream. Yet to try that out because the milk-based lotion is already quite ‘powerful’.

2. It’s Cheap!

When I bought my bottle a few years back, it set me back S$22.90, which was actually on the high side for a mass-market brand. But if you factor in the volume of product you get – 140ml, it is actually quite value-for-money since most moisturizers typically come in 30 – 50ml tub. Now, have you found the answer as to why I couldn’t finish the bottle by its expiry date?

Hada Labo SHA Hydrating Milk
A large 140ml bottle can last you forever…

Recently, I went shopping and found the same product selling at a reduced quantity in Singapore. At about the same price, the quantity was probably half. It’s not just Hada Labo, I’ve spotted quite a few brands selling for the same price but with very much reduced quantity. This is to mask inflation. Wonderful!

3. Moisture Lasts for Hours

A drop of Hada Labo SHA Hydrating Milk can provide moisture that lasts for hours or even an entire day. Your face would have a film of moisture over it that won’t dry up even after several hours.

Hada Labo SHA Hydrating Milk
Supple and soft skin for hours

4. Great for Sensitive Skin

Hada Labo SHA Hydrating Milk is free of fragrances, mineral oil and colorant. It’s definitely great for those who have sensitive skin or skin allergies.


What’s Bad? 

1. Takes a Long While to be Absorbed

It kind of takes forever for the product to get absorbed. This can be a pro or a con. For the same reason, that’s what keeping your face supple for the entire day.

2. Sticky and Greasy After-feel

Hada Labo SHA Hydrating Milk leaves behind a sticky and slightly greasy after-feel. I didn’t quite appreciate it when I first bought it because my skin was oilier then. But now that I’m spotting flaky skin at times, this becomes an absolute gem! 

Hada Labo SHA Hydrating Milk
A little sticky and greasy

3. May Lead to Pimples

Now, this is the main reason that delayed my review of this product. For a long while, I couldn’t quite determine whether Hada Labo SHA Hydrating Milk is non-comedogenic.

I would spot a few (2 to 3) medium-sized pimples whenever I use this product. I can’t be sure if Hada Labo was the cause or was the breakout due to my hormonal change or other face products. After testing it for so long, I still can’t bring myself to say that this is safe for pimple-prone skin. It’s unfortunate because this is otherwise a really effective moisturizing product.



I didn’t like this when I was having oily/combination skin. But I’m using this product quite a lot now that I have drier skin. Hada Labo SHA Hydrating Milk is highly recommended for those with dry skin type and who are not prone to breakouts. Rating: 4/5


To find out the latest price on Amazon, click HERE. 

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