Beauty Blogger

Project B Collagen Powder

15 Great Skincare, Makeup and Supplements emptied in 2019 | Product Empties (Vol. 3)

Another half a year has gone by since I last shared my Product Empties. Make a guess how many products I’ve managed to empty in the first half of 2019. It’s 15 full-sized products. Whoa! That’s a lot by my standard. I’m so proud of myself! Heh! I’d deliberately forced myself to finish a beauty product before moving on to […]

Japan Must Buy 2019 (Horizontal S)

Top 30 Skincare and Makeup to Get from Japan (Updated in 2019)

Love Japan Beauty Products as much as I do? I’ve spent the past few days updating the Japan Must-Buy List and I’m so glad to share that we now have 30 Freaking Awesome Japan Skincare and Makeup in this 2019 list. There are more to be added as I continue to test the new batch of products that I’ve hauled

Blog Changes Updates 2019

These Changes Will Take Place on myBeautyCravings in 2019

Hello Guys, How have you been? It’s been a while since I last updated you formally on the changes that would take place on myBeautyCravings. There are a few things in the pipeline to improve your experience at myBeautyCravings and I’ve been wanting to let you know for a very long time. But I was busy working behind the scene

9 Top Beauty Products & X'mas Guide

9 Top Beauty Products Discovered in 2018 – Christmas Gift Guide

Are you stressing over what to buy for Christmas? I’ll be honored if I can help give you some inspiration. Here’s the Top Beauty Products discovered in year 2018 and there are only 9 products. These products have an unbiased review rating of at least 4.5 out of 5. Quite stringent leh! :) Okay, let’s dive in.   Top Beauty

Beauty Empties Vol 2

Beauty Empties (Vol. 2) – Check out 14 Skincare and Makeup I’ve Emptied!

The last time I published a post on Beauty Empties, I only had seven items to show. Today, I have made a marked 100% improvement – I’ve emptied a whopping total of 14 Beauty Items. Not a lot, I know. But it’s really high by my standard. How did the sudden efficiency come about? Well, it was a deliberate effort to

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