Hello Guys,
How have you been? It’s been a while since I last updated you formally on the changes that would take place on myBeautyCravings.
There are a few things in the pipeline to improve your experience at myBeautyCravings and I’ve been wanting to let you know for a very long time. But I was busy working behind the scene and running a one-man show. :)
Anyway, better be late than never, right? Here’s a quick list of recently-made and upcoming changes.
Blog Changes on myBeautyCravings (2019 Q1)
1. Expect a Faster Website
First of all, I’m upgrading the host to a “more powerful” one. We should expect a faster surfing experience on myBeautyCravings by next week. A migration process will take place for that to happen and let’s hope that it’s a seamless one. If you notice anything abnormal on the site (e.g. it’s slow from your location), please help me out by letting me know, okay? :) Yes, I’m changing the server location too. :)
Now, I’m paying 6 times the price of what I used to pay for hosting when I first launched myBeautyCravings.
I didn’t have to, but I thought it’s time I invest more on this website for a better user experience. If the result turns out exceptional, I’ll reveal more about the host, in case you have friends who want to launch a website too.
2. Reduced Email Frequency
I intend to publish more posts per week. In order not to email you excessively, I’ve adjusted the email settings so that you’ll get an update twice a week – every Thursday and Sunday (AM).
Those who opted for weekly updates will continue to receive email every Tuesday (AM).
Well, let’s hope I can succeed in churning out more posts, on top of the other stuff I have on my plate.
How to subscribe? Click here and we’ll be friends straight away. Friends get to receive gifts from me frequently. :)
3. Pushing This Blog to the Next Level
I’ve applied for a business registration to run this website formally as a business entity. It’s now undergoing approval by the Singapore authority. I’ll update you guys once it is established as this will form the next milestone for myBeautyCravings.
Maybe I can bring to you greater stuff! :)
Update (Mar 2019): Approval given. We are formally known as mBC True Media. :)
4. Writing Different Travelogues Concurrently
Instead of finishing one travelogue and starting on another, I’m doing it concurrently on multiple countries. I also plan to do it in a non-chronological manner as I like each day-by-day travelogue to be able to stand on its own.
Why the change?
Every travel post that I churn out offers a lot of information and has a lot of work tied to it behind the scenes, such as tagging it with location markers, operating hours, admission charges, SEO techniques etc. Hence, they take a lot of time to create and publish. If I am to finish one country travelogue at one time, you may see me posting about the same country for half a year, considering that I still have to write about beauty reviews half the time. :)
I like to hear what you think of this arrangement? Does it confuse you? What do you prefer? One country at a time or okay with multiple countries?
Let me know through this anonymous survey, okay? Only 5 easy questions. Thanks, buddy!
5. Revamping Homepage
I’ve been wanting to revamp the homepage for a few years. Ha Ha. Gosh, I just can’t squeeze out the time as this is something quite technical.
Although I’m a geek, revamping the structure of the website on my own is still something out of my comfort zone, especially for a business-trained person. But I know I can do it! It just takes a lot of resistance to overcome. And time!
I’m targeting for this to commence in March 2019. Keeping my fingers crossed!
6. Freebies for Email Subscribers
I plan to create a freebie every month for my email subscribers. Please watch out this space for the new freebies.
Oh yes, I do have monthly business goals to meet. That’s why I’m so stressed up all the time! But it’s okay. I derive a lot of joy in doing things I’m passionate in!
So, that’s all the changes that would be taking place. How do you feel about the changes? I like to hear from you as you are who I write for, specifically on point #5.
Create your own user feedback survey
Do you prefer that I share one country at a time and complete it before starting the next? Or don’t mind reading about different countries concurrently? Do you prefer the story to run in chronological order or okay with random orders as long as the story is able to stand on its own?
Only 5 questions in the anonymous survey above. Thanks and I really hope to hear from you so that I can better design my content and your freebies. Help me, k? :)
Nicole Lee
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I can’t wait to see your site become bigger, better & greater. You always share such amazing & helpful tips! It’s really different from what’s out there IMO, because your reviews are honest & you don’t have crazy sponsorships that make your site feel like an infomercial. Whenever I enter your site, I always have such a fun time just reading what you write. It’s engaging & truly helpful (too many bloggers only review, but don’t give helpful tips. It feels like your site actually treat its audience like family, so you want to give them a heads-up at all times.) Keep up the great work & please never get discouraged!
Hi Jessica, I really appreciate you dropping this note and letting me know how readers on the other end feel about this blog. I’m so glad that you guys feel the same way as how I’ve wanted this blog to be – something different leaning towards being useful, real, honest and adding value to readers.
Thanks for staying around with me and your wonderful encouragement. I’ll work hard to grow this blog so that I can make this into a career and continue to dedicate full-time resources to it. It’s really not easy to find a passion in life and I’ll go all out to attain it.
You have a great TGIF! :) Thank you so much, babe!