Beauty Empties

beauty products emptied

19 Beauty Products Emptied – Love all but two (Vol. 4)

Hey, check out the 19 beauty products I’ve emptied recently. As usual, most of them are products that I LOVE because that’s how I managed to empty them easily. For easy reading, I’m going to list these beauty empties by product categories (e.g. skincare, makeup). Within each category, I’ll present them in the order of how I would use them […]

Project B Collagen Powder

15 Great Skincare, Makeup and Supplements emptied in 2019 | Product Empties (Vol. 3)

Another half a year has gone by since I last shared my Product Empties. Make a guess how many products I’ve managed to empty in the first half of 2019. It’s 15 full-sized products. Whoa! That’s a lot by my standard. I’m so proud of myself! Heh! I’d deliberately forced myself to finish a beauty product before moving on to

Beauty Empties Vol 2

Beauty Empties (Vol. 2) – Check out 14 Skincare and Makeup I’ve Emptied!

The last time I published a post on Beauty Empties, I only had seven items to show. Today, I have made a marked 100% improvement – I’ve emptied a whopping total of 14 Beauty Items. Not a lot, I know. But it’s really high by my standard. How did the sudden efficiency come about? Well, it was a deliberate effort to

Beauty Empties Series 1

Beauty Empties (Vol. 1) – Outstanding Beauty Products

Let’s talk about Beauty Empties. Do you feel happy when you finish using a beauty product, be it skincare lotions, a pot of eye shadow or a tube of BB cream? It’s strange, isn’t it? That we spend so much money buying beauty products and yet feel so happy when they are gone. I think it’s because women are fickle-minded

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