
Cingjing Taiwan

Things to do in Taichung for 9 Days (Itinerary Part 2)

Hey guys, have you been waiting for Part 2 of our Central Taiwan travelogue? Today, you’ll read about the things we did in Taichung region from Day 5 to Day 9. We hiked up a mountain in Hehuanshan, fed some touristy sheep in Cingjing and spent a few days deeply exploring Taichung City. The final day was dedicated to Taoyuan […]

9 Days Taiwan Itinerary Around Taichung

9 Days Taiwan Itinerary Around Taichung (by rental car) – Part 1

Hey guys, guess you all know by now how much I love Taiwan. It’s been a while since I returned from my fourth trip to Taiwan earlier this year and I’m ready to share with you my 9 Days Taiwan Itinerary around Taichung.  This trip was made possible, all thanks to my personal chauffeur (hee hee!), an affordable rental car

Things to do in Langkawi

Things to do in Langkawi in A Week (Part 2)

Hey guys, I’m back with part 2 of my 8D Langkawi Travelogue. Ready to hear the fun things I did in Langkawi in a week? Let me show you my Langkawi itinerary for Day 5 to 8. Lots of fun stuff, I promise! For better story flow, you may want to check out part 1 of this Langkawi series which covers

Taipei Zoo - Gorilla

Taiwan 8 Days Solo Travel – Taipei Zoo & Shenkeng Old Street (Day 3 – pt 2)

After an eventful morning spent at Maokong (貓空), the next destination would be Taipei Zoo (臺北市立動物園) which is located along the same Maokong Gondola line, and just two stations from Maokong. Taipei Zoo (臺北市立動物園) (2pm) As a solo traveller, zoo is not exactly my kind of thing, you know?  If it wasn’t due to its close proximity from Maokong and its popularity as

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