
What to buy in Japan

25 Things to Buy in Japan that are Affordable & Loved by Locals (2025)

What do we buy in Japan? Today, I’m going to share 25 things to buy in Japan that appeal to both locals and tourists alike. Yes, we are going to skip the touristy souvenirs – those that are so steeply marked-up that locals would shun. So, come take a look and check out the practical and functional stuff that I […]

Things to buy in Malaysia

25 Things to Buy in Malaysia (2025): A Singaporean’s Perspective

What are the things worth buying from Malaysia? As many of you know, I travel to Malaysia frequently, at least twice a month. Over the years, I’ve figured out what are the stuff worth lugging back to Singapore. Obviously, with Singapore being the most expensive city in the world, many things may seem worthwhile to bring back from Malaysia, right?

Best Beauty Products to Buy (Collage)

17 Beauty products that I love and am still using today!

Since this is the buying season, I thought I’ll write a post on the beauty products to buy. This list contains 17 products that I love and am still using today. Hope it’ll help you in your festive shopping spree! :)  To give the listing some order, I’ll share it in the sequence of my usage. And of course, that would mean

Foldable Laptop Table 1

7 Top Lifestyle Products that I highly recommend (to men and women!)

Doing your last minute Christmas shopping? Here are 7 Top Lifestyle Products I love and highly recommend to all – both men and women alike! See if this list can give you some ideas on what to get for your friends and loved ones. Top Lifestyle Products (Unisex Gift Guide) 1. Foldable Laptop Table I’m so in love with this

9 Top Beauty Products

9 Top Beauty Products of 2021 (Plus X’mas Gift Ideas)

Time to consolidate all the top beauty products reviewed on myBeautyCravings in 2021. As usual, we will only share skincare and makeup that have been given top rating of at least 4.5 stars. See if this would help you in your Christmas shopping, k? Happy discovering these top 9 beauty gems!   Top Beauty Products 2021 I’ve been quite busy

Beauty Holy Grail 2020

Top 8 Beauty Skincare & Makeup (Holy Grail 2020)

Hey all, it’s time of the year to reveal the Top Beauty Products reviewed in 2020. To recap, only those that are highly-rated (at least 4.5 stars) are featured here. Yup, I’m only showing you the good stuff in this post. Hope this will help you in your Christmas and year-end shopping! Happy browsing!   Top 8 Beauty Products 2020 This

Kranji War Memorial

11 Non-Touristy & Authentic Singapore Experiences | Insider Tips from A Singaporean

I’ve been writing about Travel for a while and can’t believe that I haven’t written one on Singapore. Having stayed on this little island as a true-blue Singaporean for a few decades, it’s time I share my personal recommendations to visitors of Singapore. For this first post on Singapore, let me share 11 Authentic Singapore Experiences that a traveler can visit

beauty products emptied

19 Beauty Products Emptied – Love all but two (Vol. 4)

Hey, check out the 19 beauty products I’ve emptied recently. As usual, most of them are products that I LOVE because that’s how I managed to empty them easily. For easy reading, I’m going to list these beauty empties by product categories (e.g. skincare, makeup). Within each category, I’ll present them in the order of how I would use them

Things to buy in Phuket

Things to buy in Phuket? And what to Avoid?

What are the things to buy in Phuket? Let me share my hits and misses after spending 6 relaxing days in Phuket. This list will cover both the things I bought as well as food I’ve tried, and the following questions will be addressed. ‘What are the things to buy in Phuket?  ‘What NOT to buy in Phuket?’ Hope this

Best Beauty Products 2019

16 Best Beauty Products & Services 2019 (Plus Christmas Gift Ideas)

Hi all, ready to see the 16 Best Beauty Products & Services reviewed in the whole of 2019? These top reviews have received a rating of at least 4.5 out of a 5-star rating. I think these make for great Christmas gifts for your loved ones. Check them out!     Best Beauty Products of 2019 The Best Beauty Products

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