Travel Blogger

Phuket Pocket Itinerary PIN (S)

Free Gift of the Month – Phuket Pocket Itinerary & Personal Updates

Hey guys, it’s the time of the month. The little gift that I’ve been working on is now ready. You can download your Free Phuket Itinerary Pocket Guide. Basically, it’s a 2-page itinerary that will give you an idea on what to see and do in Phuket in 6 Days. I’ve made this into a PDF file so that you […]

Blog Changes Updates 2019

These Changes Will Take Place on myBeautyCravings in 2019

Hello Guys, How have you been? It’s been a while since I last updated you formally on the changes that would take place on myBeautyCravings. There are a few things in the pipeline to improve your experience at myBeautyCravings and I’ve been wanting to let you know for a very long time. But I was busy working behind the scene

Okinawa Free Itinerary (Horizontal)

Free Okinawa Itinerary Pocket Guide (Revamped Copy)

Hi Guys, I believe many have already downloaded the Okinawa Itinerary Pocket Guide. It was launched a few months ago and seems quite popular eh. Is it because you guys are all heading over to the beautiful south island of Japan? Free Printable Okinawa Itinerary (Revamped Copy) Good news for everyone! I’ve just completed a major revamp of the Okinawa Itinerary Pocket

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