Holy Grail | Marks & Spencer Floral Collection Anti-Perspirant Deodorant

Aren’t you excited that Christmas is just around the corner? Have you gotten your gifts ready yet? If not, a few good places to get great gifts are Marks & Spencer, Crabtree & Evelyn and L’occitane.

These brands offer gifts that’s well-packaged, presentable and of good quality. Talking about Marks & Spencer, I’m going to share a holy grail item from this brand – Floral Collection Anti-Perspirant Deodorant.

Marks & Spencer Anti-Perspirant Deodorant
Marks & Spencer Anti-Perspirant Deodorant

I’ve been using Marks & Spencer’s Anti-Perspirant Deodorant for years, but had never thought of it as a Holy Grail deodorant simply because I felt that I had not tried enough deodorants in the market.

This was until I bought one from a brand (let’s call it R) that specializes in anti-deodorant and I’d literally found it non-functional. I thought the design was flawed. Somehow, the wide  body of the can and the stiffness of the trigger made it impossible for me to activate the spray without adjusting the body repeatedly and sometimes using two hands to make it work. 

As you might have guessed, I found myself going back to Marks & Spencer despite the R brand being 90% unused. That was also the same day I recognized Marks & Spencer as my holygrail anti-perspirant.

What’s Good about Marks & Spencer Anti-Perspirant Deodorant?

What makes Marks & Spencer Anti-Perspirant Deodorant so good to get me using it for years?

1. Great Packaging

Comes in a 150ml pressurized cylinder, the slim container fits my small hand well and is easy to activate. It is also well-decorated with lovely floral prints, soft colors and matt and elegant finishes.

2. Subtle Fragrance

Marks & Spencer’s Anti-Perspirant Deodorant comes in subtle floral fragrance that’s great for everyday use. They are not overpowering and would work well even if you are wearing a separate perfume. The faint floral scent is lovely and doesn’t smell like cheap perfume, unlike some other anti-perspirant I’ve tried.

They are available in Lavender, Magnolia and Rose fragrance. I’ve tried all and love them all although my favorite is Lavender which has a traditional relaxing fragrance that gives off a calming effect.

3. Powder-finish

I love how it dries fast with an even powder finish.  The powder hides unsightly armpit lines and creases, and also made me feel cleaner and more refreshed.

Marks & Spencer Anti-Perspirant Deodorant
Powder Finish

4. 24-hour Protection

Marks & Spencer Anti-perspirant deodorant is said to provide 24-hour protection. I can attest to this claim. I never find myself caught in a “unglam” situation with wet armpits whenever I’m using this deodorant…hot sunny day included.

I do however have to declare that I’m not the type to sweat profusely. So don’t quote me if you try to use it while working out in the gym.

Marks & Spencer Anti-Perspirant Deodorant
Alcohol-free and 24 hour protection

5. Alcohol-free

This quick-drying deodorant that’s cool to the touch is surprisingly free of alcohol. This would be good for those with dry or sensitive skin. The full ingredients are shown in the image below.

Marks & Spencer Anti-Perspirant Deodorant
Ingredient List


What’s Bad?

This is one of the few reviews in which I can’t think of anything bad to say about the product. If I have to force myself to list one, it’s perhaps the marginally-higher price (around S$10) as compared with other drug-store anti-perspirant in Singapore.

It is however super cheap in UK (only ÂŁ2). So don’t forget to get one if you are having a holiday in UK or reside there (super jealous already). Rating: 5/5

That’s all for today’s review. If you like more of such honest beauty reviews, you can click the button below to subscribe, or connect with me through facebook or instagram. See you there!



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